Got To Dance 2011 Series 2 Episode 4 audition videos, guide and tweets

Auditions for Got to Dance took place around the UK inside traveling dancing domes with dancers needing a minimum score of two gold stars from the judges Ashley Banjo, Kimberly Wyatt and Adam Garcia to get through to the live quarter finals.
For full show results, see our Got to Dance episode four results page on AllStreetDance.
For once in the series, Got to Dance has opened on a strong note. Octavia may have fooled me with her pre-Iron Curtain accent and delightful innocence that children these days never seem to have any more – “Mama, Father!” – but she was in fact really good. Her moves appear to be years beyond her, and she even chose a great song to do a contemporary (or freestyle ballet, as the show is calling it) solo too.
Video: Octavia Got to Dance audition
With such high emotion it could only mean the build up would lead to another VT where we saw Synergy do a group contemporary routine. Apparently none have been trained dancers, so it would have been nice seeing their complete audition, which was set to a classical rendition of Feeling Good by eScala.
Would really have liked to have found out more about the pirate dancers too, but once again it was all choppy cutting and results.
Alas, it was Boony’s Lindy Hoppers to overrule the panel’s decision this week. Indeed, the lindy hop was an important social dance (you can’t top the lindy hop!) years ahead of street dance, but with a “one dance, one chance” rule, the rules had to be thrown out the window again.
“What you need is some diversity.” Uh huh.
Dale, aka Chaotic, from Wolverhampton had shots of him crashing his flares backstage, a sign that his audition wouldn’t be his best, and it wasn’t.
The veterans of dance, Adam Garcia and Kimberly Wyatt recognised that Chaotic’s execution could have been better, and they were right even though they aren’t breakers. Ashley remained adamant he was “up there.” Then a cut to Chaotic:
“I know myself I can do way better.” Argument over!
So bring on more VTs of bad street dance acts: stiff house dancers, crimped hair (that is NOT a hip hop look) and ironically named groups – Attitude had anything but when awarded no gold stars… then again working hard for only two weeks on a dancing set that could be your ticket to fame is usually the result.
Lauren is nervous because like most children she wants to prove to her parents she’s serious about dancing – which is why she’s proving herself in front of TV cameras.
Adam was enamoured by her dancing, and her long limbs really made some nice lines in her floor work.
Blue Magic did a good job of playing off one another in a popping and animation duet. Don’t be quick to jump on the bandwagon in calling out these guys as Twist and Pulse clones – these guys are more of the traditional style of popping duets.
Video: Blue Magic Got to Dance audition
So bring on another series of VTs including charicatures Ghetto Grannies and mentors to The Gingerbread Man, The Urban Jokers who promptly placed a Haribo wedding ring in front of Kimberly Wyatt.
Rok Chix wanted to rock out, and didn’t do too bad a job, going by the clips shown. It was the judges deciding it wasn’t rocky enough though, and even though Ashley said he changes his mind a lot (I hadn’t noticed…) nothing could save them from grace, and the not-very-rock’n’roll show of tears at the end probably proved they weren’t living up to their image.
Well, its week two, episode four, the closing episode for the evening. Do I want more? Well, the previous episode today had me wanting to throw stuff at the TV with gimmick auditions and judges changing minds, but this one was off to a better start: some nice contemporary, good street, and lindy hop (actually, that was the one where they changed their mind…).
Ahead of next week, episode five of Got to Dance, the trailer includes and operatic soundtrack and what looks like some theatricals. Are things starting to heat up? I hope so.
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