A guide to Streetdance 2 – cast and dancers in the sequel
Streetdance 2 has started filming in London and across Europe this month ahead of its 2012 release here’s an introduction to the cast of the sequel.

Streetdance 2 (London Boogaloo?) has started filming in London and across Europe this month ahead of its 2012 cinema release. In the name of having a good exclusive we thought you might like an introduction to the cast of the sequel.
Before we go into detail we should add that although the premise for the plot has been formally announced, nothing about the storyline or how any of these dancers play a role in the sequel has been revealed – we think you should speculate among yourselves and not take everything you see here as fact but as a general guide.
Besides the winning crew of Street Dance XXL 2010 and those scouted at the Butlins Street Dance Festival, gone are the UK dancers in favour of some big international names.
Except for returning characters Eddie (George Sampson), The Surge (Flawless) and Steph (Stephanie Nguyen), gone are the UK choreographers (Rich and Tone Taluega will choreograph Streetdance 2), although there’s no word on the soundtrack being UK yet. Instead it’s in with the winners of Red Bull BC One, Juste Debout and Battle of the Year. A more Eurocentric sequel than you expected? Then have a look at the cast of dancers…
Streetdance 2 dancers
Click each thumbnail to see dancer details!
More dancers will be added as new names are revealed.
While we knew the main characters in Streetdance 2 would be called Ash and Eva (via AllStreetDance), it’s only recently anything official has been issued. According to the Streetdance 2 press release the plot is as follows:
“When top street dancer Ash (Falk Hentschel) is humiliated and laughed off stage by American crew Invincible, he sets off to gather the best dancers from around the world to take them on – with a dance style they weren’t expecting. With landmark locations, a spectacular fusion of dance styles and an unparalleled vibrancy, the sequel to StreetDance sees our hero fall in love with a beautiful salsa dancer as he discovers the magic, power and passion of dancing for the ultimate global dance off.”
What do you think of the dancers in Streetdance 2? You can comment in the comments box below!
All the dancers from number 1 should be in number especially Aimee, shawna, boogie, mac, carly, steph, frankie and Jay.
All the dancers in number 1 should be in number 2
steph is in it
akai was sick but all dancer in number 1 should be in 2 and they should add more characters
They definitely should cast Les Twins in Street Dance 2…I haven’t seen anyone as sick as those two…….
Its not gonna be the same without the dancers from numer one which made the movie such a great hit!
Im from australia and alot of my friends and their friends really enjoyed the cast and storyline. Brook, Mac, Boogie, Shawna, Frankie, Aimee, Justine everyone made it a sick movie but with only the return on Steph and Eddie, its gonna dissapoint alot of ppl but i hope it doesnt